
To readers and authors

Dear readers and authors:
Edition of the journal “Kauchuk i Rezina” has the pleasure to inform you about including of our journal in the list of publications treated by Scientific Electron Library (NEB). So from 2013 all the issues of the journal both new and archive you can receive throw NEB on paying subscription.

Consequently all the papers printed in the journal find their reflection in the Russian Index of Citation (RINC).


If you like you can publish in our journal “Kauchuk I Rezina” the papers presented at each IRC from 2009. The papers will be printed in English with short Russian Abstract. We invite the speakers of the Conferences to present their papers; please, study the Notes for Contributors.

©ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî «Êàó÷óê è ðåçèíà», 2018 ã.